Captain Phasma - Reply

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Question from MinxCoda: This Question is for Captain Phasma:

I’m a big fan of yours, I have a bit of a crush on you, not simply for your looks but because of your bravery. But besides that, how would you mind training me or taking me under your wing, if you’re um you know...Able?

Phasma: I am flattered by your interest, although I must reject. If I was to show you my image...I would have to kill you. Now that wouldn't be a good first date ending in my opinion but my blaster is always available and ready to do just that.

As for training you, the First Order always could use more troops. If you're willing to fully commit yourself to this cause, I will glady and personally train you to the highest standard: mine.

I'll be in contact and awaiting your answer.


Wow a interest from Hux and personal training from Phasma? You're one lucky fan haha I'm almost jealous ;)

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