General Hux - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Responses to Hux!

1: Of course dear *I kissed his head gently as I pulled down his shirt gently* You feel better?

Hux: Much. Thanks love.

2: *I giggled* I know it’s boring, when I come back from business you always give me hugs and attention. It’s the most cutest then every.

Hux: That's because I'm in desperate need of you, just like my wine. Both of you are my relaxation.

3: You have the two best girls on this ship, and thankfully we both get along.

Hux: Hopefully you don't fight over my attention when I'm not watching.

4: It is crazy, maybe it’s because Kylo is unsure of himself and fights with his inner self all the time. You aren’t like that, you know exactly what you want, who you are and you’re aware and sure of yourself. *I kissed his lips gently* That’s what I love about you.

Hux: *smirks* Exactly, dear. That's why I know the galaxy is ours to rule. I was born for it. I deserve it, and you do too. We're going to take over and figure out a way to remove Kylo from the picture, I promise.

7: Well, a lot of people in the galaxy think you’re threatening, among many other horrendous things. My thoughts and opinions aren’t the same as everyone’s dear.

Hux: At least you think I'm a little intimidating? Nothing at all? Really? Even Summer fears me a bit.

8: I’ll talk with him about it. You work the hardest and even when we’re spending time together, you’re still working. You balance both. *I sounded irritated and angry, I took a few deep breaths then exhaled to calm myself.* You can make up for lost time love, it doesn’t bother me. Work is important *I smiled at him, winking*

Hux: I promise you that tomorrow I'll make more time. I work longer tonight and stay up, make sure I get everything done. Tomorrow night is our night.

9: *I gasp softly at the window, in awe at the beauty* Hux, you really know how to make a girl feel special. Thank you so much, this is so beautiful.

Hux: *smiles* I know you've been up here a while and can see the stars anytime you wish, but I thought at this display it truly is lavish, isn't it?


Great replies MinxCoda!

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