Resistance - Reply

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Questions from JoeyKirkpatrickJr:

Questions for BB-8 and the Resistance:

1: if you were to command one of the ships I'm giving you, which one would you choose? I prefer Lucrehulks myself, and they're impossible to destroy by conventional means.

Poe: Lucrehulks are a bit old-fashioned for me, but I feel right at home in my x-wing.

Rey: I don't know, it's hard to replace the Falcon.

Finn: I'll take the biggest, baddest, strongest ship there is and launch every missile right into the heart of the First Order! *cheers*

BB-8: *beeps his request for control of the Supremacy*

Poe: Wow, BB-8 you dream big.

BB-8: *extends lighter*

2: I have arrived everyone, do you all see the big ass fleet with the big ass Lucrehulks and Venator SSDs in it along with other various ships from the Clone Wars to today?

Poe: Hmm...I may be taking back what I said about only commanding my x-wing... *eyeing each ship with a wide smile*

Rey: *eyes widen in disbelief* Those are some big ships.

Finn: Kind of hard to miss...

BB-8: *frightened beeps as he hides behind Poe's leg*

3: I know I stole the Supremacy's sister ship, but I went back to salvage the Supremacy itself. is that a problem to you guys, or no?

Poe: Of course not! The more the merrier!

Rey: Scavenging? Need any help? I may know a thing or two about that... *winks*

Finn: Let me guess: Jakku?

BB-8: *beeps approval*

4: if the Remnants of the New Republic won't help: can the United States Government help out? they evacuated with me.

Poe: We could use all the help we can get. I don't care who it's from as long as they're on our side for our cause.

Rey: We're still trying to get in contact with the New Republic, but the aid from your source would be grateful.

Finn: Sure! The more the merrier!

BB-8: *beeps excitedly*


Thanks for the questions JoeyKirkpatrickJr!

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