Summer - Reply

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Questions from MinxCoda:

For Summer

1: So, I'm curious. Think you can teach me the ways of the Force one day? I'd ask Kylo but I prefer you.

Summer: *smiles* Aww, you're so sweet! I'd love to teach you but I think until Kylo ever releases me from "apprentice" status (which knowing how protective he is, he may be never) I don't think it's wise to add you in just yet. But when that day comes, I'll be more than happy to train you!

*whispers* And by the way, I'll train you in Light and Dark so you can choose your side. *winks*

2: The crystal, how does it feel? I hope you're doing okay. I know it really must have been hard to bleed it, physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Summer: The crystal feels like, well, a crystal. Smooth yet a bit rough. Shiny.

But I know what you're asking. When I touch the crystal, I used to feel the Force shining through with a radiance of peace and purpose. Now it's completely the opposite; very dark and blood lust (which I still feel guilty about).

Bleeding the crystal was the most challenging thing I've ever done but Kylo is so proud of me I suppose it's worth it if not just for praise from him (but again, I have guilt).

Other than that, I'm doing well and can't wait to make my lightsaber!


Great questions MinxCoda!

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