Kylo Ren - Reply

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Question from EmilyFekete5:

Hi I’m Emily and my question is, and I speak for me and my friend. What do you like in a girl? Thx

Kylo Ren: That's actually a good question. I've never thought about it until now because I've never looked for a girl nor had the time to. Love is a weakness in my eyes, despite finding myself succumbing to it.

Let me see, what I look for in a girl...

Perhaps blonde hair with sparkling blue eyes. A nice figure. Nice attitude, but needs a dark side to her.

*curses after realizing he described Summer*

Let's try this again.

Um, how about dark hair and brown eyes. A cute accent. Someone who can personally understand me and look beyond the exterior.

*curses again, realizing he described Rey*

Forget a relationship, I'm staying single.


I guess Kylo has some crushes to work on ;) thanks for the question EmilyFekete5!

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