Kylo Ren - Reply

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From BayBay08:

I have some questions for Kylo Ren:

1. Do you sometimes think about Rey?

Kylo: I try not to. It doesn't bring up good feeings.

2. Do you feel like you’re going to have another Force Connection with her?

Kylo: I don't get a choice. It just...happens.

3. What is one thing that you love about Summer and why?

Kylo: Perhaps that she loves me for who I am and she doesn't try to change me. I've always felt like I have to work to please someone, but with her she just showers me with her affection, even though sometimes I feel like I don't deserve it...

4. Lastly, (and this is a personal question) how do you keep your hair so nice?

Kylo: I'm like this naturally. *smirks*

“You’re very handsome” *blushing*

Kylo: Thank you. *smiles*


Great questions BayBay08!

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