General Hux - Reply

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Questions from MinxCoda:

Questions for Hux:

1: *I walked into his office, carrying a data pad with a concerned look* I've noticed that someone has been...bothering the First Order quite a lot. *I said as I looked at my data pad with squinted eyebrows as i scrolled through the information i had received* Seems we should tighten the security of the First Order more, si? *I rubbed my eyes softly* My apologies, si means yes in Spanish. I usually say si sometimes.

Hux: Let me see that. *takes datapad from you and reads carefully through reports* I agree. Don't even ask Ren. Increase our defenses by twenty percent. See how that works. If not, get back to me immediately.

*lightly smiles* And I find it very cute hearing you speak a different language.

2: I'm still designing my outfit, people like keeping me busy and distracted. *I sighed, standing next to him watching him type and work as usual, I gently grabbed his chin, turning his face towards mine* I have some things planned for us later, clear your schedule, no acceptions. *I said with a smile, giving a wink then kissing his cheek*

Hux: *blushes and smirks* As you wish. I look forward to it.

3: When you are able to become the Supreme Leader, I hope to be by your side. More so, I'm intrigued to see how you'd rule it. Would you mind me helping? Ive always come up with some rather good strategies.

Hux: I'd be honored to have a powerful, intelligent woman like you working beside me to fix this corrupted galaxy.

I just thought of a funny/cute one for Hux! Here it is:

*I walk into Hux's office, laughing a bit, Millicent on my left shoulder and my left hand gently on her so she wouldn't fall* I was cleaning your jacket of cat hair, going to hang it up on a hanger to put in your closet then... *Gestures to Millicent* She jumped onto my shoulder, thankfully no one heard the scream I let out from being scared but she won't get down and has latched herself onto my shoulder. *I gently give Millicent soft pets as she purrs*

Hux: Silly kitten. *takes her off your shoulder, cradles her gently in his arms and strokes her back, making her purr* She usually only jumps on Ren. She doesn't care for him very much. She has tried more than once to add another scar to his face. I only encourage her, of course without him knowing.


Great, as always MinxCoda!

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