Resistance - Reply

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Questions  from JoeyKirkpatrickJr:

Questions to the Resistance:

1: the Ghost Class Stealth Fighter is but one of a Series of these ships, and they are highly modular in the way of technology. the Primary Armament of these Ships are Dark Matter Laser Cannons. the other two ships the Specter: a heavy version of the Ghost. and the Scimitar: an even larger and heavier version of the Specter. I'll need to fill out some Clearance Papers if you want to Fly them, just the orders of the United States Government.

Rey and Poe, in unison: I want to fly them!

2: I'm thinking of bringing the assets left behind in the Evac from Earth to the base. Vehicles, Armor, Water Craft, Air Craft, Weapons, Ships, Ammo, Medical Supplies, MREs, ETC. do you guys need anything while I'm out?

Finn: Yeah, I've heard of this food called pizza...can you grab a couple of them?

Rey: Oooh yeah I've always wanted to try one of those.

Poe: Better bring a few extra.

BB-8: *requests oil*

3: the Crews of the Ships that the First Order destroyed were saved by my old CIS Droid Army, and their ships were repaired by my Buzz Droids, I also stole a bunch of First Order AT-ATs, AT-M6s, AT-STs, Heavy Scout Walkers. and I salvaged and repaired the Ski Speeders.

Rey: I must say I'm impressed. You and I could have made a great team on Jakku.

Finn: Ha! Let's see the First Order come at us now!

4: Tyber Zann of the Zann Consortium is sending us some Supplies, if Leia asks: tell her I said that they are here to drop off some Care Packages.

Poe: I'll let her know but I don't think she will mind as long as they're helping us. Do they require compensation? We're a bit tight on funds...

5: we'll win this war since you guys have me, and the First Order couldn't get me. believe me: the Republic, and the Empire tried and they didn't come close even with Thrawn and the Mandolorians.

Poe: Wow, you even fought back against the Empire?

Rey: I've only heard stories about the Galactic Civil War but I'd love for you to tell us stories sometime. Maybe once the war is over, that is.

Finn: All the history I learned was twisted in the First Order's favor so I'm curious to hear the real side of things.

6: Poe I salvaged the Black One T-70 X-Wing, but the Vented Accelerator Pod was heavily damaged. but I will let you know when it is completely repaired.

Poe: That's awesome! I really appreciate it. I can't wait to get back into the skies again.


Great questions JoeyKirkpatrickJr!

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