General Hux - Reply

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Questions from MinxCoda:

Hux: *smirks*

For Hux:

1: *I walked into Hux's office, seeing him doing his usual, working and distracted. I smiled and walked up and behind his desk and stood next to him.* You're busy as usual, no surprise. How've you been? Did you miss me? *I smiled more, leaning down and kissing his cheek*

Hux: *he smiled and lightly blushed* I'm just fine. Work is well, work. Never seems to end. Although I may be able to take off earlier today... *winks+*

2: *I start to massage his shoulders a bit, hoping to get him to relax* How's everything around here? You haven't used the button I gave you a lot, so I'm hoping that's a good thing.

Hux: *he leaned back, melting into your touch* No, I've been able to handle mostly everything. But I'm truly glad you're here now.

3: Have you and Kylo been getting along more? I'd doubt it, but I haven't really seen anything broken from him or heard you two arguing that much.

Hux: *sighs and groans* Kylo is and always will be a pain in the ass.

He doesn't seem to be doing his routine of destroying computer consoles anymore, which I'm hoping is a sign that means those days are done. Less paperwork, less destruction and less money being wasted is a huge positive.

But instead he just becomes more annoying verbally. Since he can technically give me an order, I tend to get bossed around and mocked by him. I have to take it unfortunately for he is the Supreme least for now... *smirks*


Great questions MinxCoda! Always interesting to see where you and Hux will blossom next ;) I suppose you could even give Summer some competition in the books? Haha.

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