First Order - Reply

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Questions from starwarsfan20:

Question for BB-9E and the First Order:

What is it like on the Supremacy and Starkiller Base?

BB-9E: *beeps how he wishes he had control of both so he could decorate them the way he wanted*

Kylo: The Supremacy is large enough to feel like you're back on Starkiller Base, except the temperature is regulated so it's not always dead winter.

Hux: It's quite hard to compare the two. Starkiller and the Supremacy are quite different in terms of living conditions. I prefer to be in space on one of the largest ships ever created. Although if I could turn it into a that would be a dream come true.

Phasma: I liked Starkiller Base more because the training areas were much better than on the Supremacy. I could make my troops go outside into real terrain whereas the ship is completely simulated rooms.


Great questions starwarsfan20!

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