General Hux - Reply

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Question from MinxCoda

Question for Hux!

1: *I walked into Hux's bedroom, noticing him sitting on the end of his bed putting his boots on. I smiled, making my way to him and lifting his face up gently. I kissed his lips gently, fixing his shirt for him then parting my lips.*

Hux: *blushes lightly from the kiss* You're very kind to me. I'm not used to being treated this way.

I was wondering, would it be alright with you if I stayed here with you for a while? I've been traveling from earth to here so much to see you, I thought staying here with you would be more enjoyable for us both. Is that all right with you?

Hux: You can stay here as long as you wish. You don't need to worry about travelling. From now on your permanent residence is here. Besides, there's enough room in my bed for one more. *smirks*


My apologies again for the super late reply MinxCoda!!! Also to everyone else who submitted a question I will post one every day this week! Thank you for being patient!

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