Kylo Ren - Reply

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From JoeyKirkpatrickJr:

Replies to Kylo Ren:

1: wasn't anything personal about destroying your ship's weapons, but I like being shot at.

Kylo: being shot at? Well, I'll have General Hux arrange us another "meeting" then.

2: believe me: this ship is indestructible: it was even shot by Star Killer Base and it wasn't scratched, and the Immortal isn't the only one of this ship.

Kylo: It...survived Starkiller? Hm...tell me more about your ship.

3: you'll never kill me, believe me: the Old Republic and the Empire tried and failed horribly.

Kylo: We aren't the Old Republic or Empire. We're the First Order. You will soon see the difference.

4: It's not too late to go home to your mother Ben. She loves you, and she always has. In fact: she sent me herself, please: do the right thing and head home Ben even your father Han Solo loved you and would want you to come home.

Kylo: *stays silent, just turning away* I don't want to get into this...


Great replies JoeyKirkpatrickJr!

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