Resistance - Reply

47 4 5

Replies to Poe, Finn, and BB-8

1: I like Mon Cal Cruisers, Really! I do. But the Mon Cal Cruisers were originally: Luxury Liners while the Lucrehulk was a Cargo Freighter, but I have 2 Mon Cal models of my own design sent to Mon Cala.

Poe: You always have the coolest fleet handy.

2: if i find another T-85 X-Wing, sure. But: right now the Heroic One is all I could find, and as far as I know: the Heroic One is all I have found but I'll keep looking. And I wasn't kidding about the Soulless One being used by General Grievous, ironically: I gave him orders more than he did to me. the Soulless One was gifted to me for my service and he got another one with the same modifications and named it the same name.

Poe: I'm officially jealous.

BB-8: *beeps agreement*

3: I'm glad you approve of the data cards, I just hope that Leia approves of this. Leave any and all spending to me, the Galaxy now takes Paper Money, Coin Money, and Credits so we're covered

Finn: You have no idea how grateful we are for you, sir. These are hard times for the Resistance...

4: they sure do, Horesch Kessel Drive makes a lot of good stuff

Poe: In that case...I'll be making more orders soon.


Great replies JoeyKirkpatrickJr!

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