Captain Phasma - Reply

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Questions from MinxCoda:

1: Captain Phasma, If you could have any pet in the world, of any species, what would it be?

Phasma: I've never been a 'pet' person, finding animals a distraction away from my duties. Plus I have no time to take care of one. But for the sake of your question...probably a bird. One with a fighting spirit as tough as mine and I could train to command to my will. A hawk perhaps?

2: Phasma, I love your name. It’s really beautiful, is it your birth name, or the name you were given when you were given the title Captain?

Phasma: I was born with it and that's all I will allow myself to say about my past.

3: Phasma, is the reason you don’t want to show your face is to keep any enemies from knowing who you are? I know the First Order can be secretive at times from what I collect from research, mostly just observing and writing down important notes to remember, but besides the storm troopers, and of course Kylo Ren, you’re the only other person who wears a helmet and whom I’ve been curious to know why.

Phasma: Again, a reason that is in my past that should not be spoken. Although I will allow a trivial detail.

Masks show strength. They conceal the person within and create them into whoever they wish to be. They embrace their true, inner potential and bring it forth with a most often frightening way, whether by force or reason.

I have always worn one since I could remember. As a child, I wore a mask even as others around me didn't. I knew I was a leader, and a leader should conceal themselves in a mask to hide their true identity. Then their weaknesses, if they have any, cannot be exploited in any way.

And the menial reasons are it's protocol, part of my uniform, I look really good in it, and it helps with bad hair days. But the original reason I stated is what I like to use.

And that is why I wear my mask.


MinxCoda if you want to learn more about Phasma's past, I strongly suggest reading the book titled "Phasma"! It really shows her true character and Brendol Hux is in it too!

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