General Hux - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Responses to Hux!

1: I haven’t for a while, being in command of the training for the stormtroopers and making their training more perfect and skilled takes up my time. But the stories I have from before, when I began to create allies? *I rolled my eyes, chuckling as I put away the knife* I can be more evil then people think.

Hux: And that, my dear, is highly attractive. *still watching you hungrily*

2: *A light blush crept on my face as I allowed him to care for the scratches, I smiled, kissing his cheek gently* Thank you my love.

Hux: Of course. Anything for you. *kisses your forehead*

3: *I nodded, taking his wine glass from him then poured some wine into it. After I was done, I picked up the glass then handed it back to him as I sipped wine from mine* She is just too adorable. *I hear my datapad start to vibrate on the bed, I squinted my eyebrows as I carefully rushed toward it, tapping the screen to look at the notifications. I sighed heavily, tapping a notification to read an email sent to me* I’m glad for wine, I’ll tell you that love.

Hux: More and more problems as it seems. *sits down next to you, resting his arm across the back of the sofa* What's wrong now?

4: *I blushed, smiling and letting out a giggle. I placed my hands on his gently as he wrapped his arms around me, then kissed my shoulder.* Of course love, the night wouldn’t be complete without you getting to hold me. I know how eager and happy you get when you do.

Hux: It's the highlight of my day. Ending my shift, kicking back a nice glass of wine and falling asleep holding you...


I wish I could sleep with Hux ;) mind sharing haha MinxCoda

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