Rey - Reply

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Question from jakkujedi:

I have a question for Rey: Kiss marry kill: Hux, Kylo, and Finn.

Rey: Well at least the options aren't too terrible...

I'm not a killer. I never looked to intentionally hurt anyone unless it was for self-defense. But Hux? I'll kill Hux. I've hated him ever since Finn told me about how he was treated by him as a stormtrooper. The man is as cold as steel. Too bad my lightsaber is destroyed because I'd help warm that heart right up... *winks*

And...I guess I'll kiss Ben. *blushes* It may bring him home, who knows?

All that's left is the choice to marry so Finn and I are living out the rest of our lives together I suppose. *giggles*

Although...if Ben ever does turn...I could switch around the last two answers...


I don't know about you jakkujedi, but I want to be invited to that reylo wedding lol

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