Summer - Reply

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Questions from JoeyKirkpatrickJr:

Questions for Summer:

1: You know that I am not kidding about the First Order not being able to stop me or the Resistance right?

Summer: I'm sure you're powerful and will give the First Order quite a war. Although I have to say, since my alliance is with them, it's a war you're going to lose.

2: Can you tell the First Order Leaders (General Hux, Kylo, BB-9E, and Captain Phasma) that unlike the ships that were destroyed by the Supremacy: mine are indestructible, they don't run on fuel, and are 10× bigger than the Supremacy and I have droid factories and cloning facilities on my personal Lucrehulk Class Battle Dreadnought: the Immortal?

Summer: *blinks* Wow that is some pretty amazing technology. Some I've never even heard of. How did you manage to get a hold of that?

3: why do they want the Supremacy back if it was abandoned, and can you please tell them: if they wanted to keep it, why did they just abandon the ship?

Summer: They want it back for...personal reasons. There may be things we still need despite all the destruction. Such as if the computers are still functional, maybe some data we could strip from the system...but you probably already did that, so they're chasing a flying scrap heap.

4: I'm serious. why did they abandon the Supremacy and it's sister ship if they wanted to keep it?

Summer: Me too. That's my answer.

5: do you have a crush on Poe Dameron?

Summer: *blushes* What? Pfft. No...


Great questions JoeyKirkpatrickJr!

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