Captain Phasma - Reply

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Questions from Captain_AM-1185:

Dear Phasma,
   I do not mean to alert you about me knowing your secret. On my home planet, Earth, there is this book that is about you, including your past. On my birthday I was able to get it and I immediately sat down to read it. So I beg you not to pull that trigger. I could probably let you borrow it. *pulls out book* That is if you want to though. It would take a while since it is almost 400 pages long. You might be able to learn new things too. *whispers* Like Cardinal's secret interrogation. *smiles and puts book back*

Phasma: So you're saying someone published a book about the life I never wanted anyone to know about? *stared at the author's name, glaring beneath her helmet* I think I will be paying her a visit shortly.

I will keep this book, for I'd like to know exactly what she knows and what she doesn't. Also, whatever Cardinal did is no longer my concern, for I did know he was trying to dig up my past.

Not to worry though, I took care of him...

I can't wait to get started with training. *looks down at feet* If you still accept me, that is. *salutes* Well, see you later, Captain.

Phasma: Yes, I still accept you. Your first assignment will be locating this author so I can leave immediately. Since you know Earth best, I expect an escort. You will be my guide. Is this understood cadet?


Oooh Phasma is going to read her book O.O that will be interesting. Good luck with her Captain_AM-1185!

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