General Hux - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

1: *I finished his back after a few minutes. I rubbed his back gently* Your back is done love. Anything else you need?

Hux: Maybe...some evening cuddles and affection?

2: Of course I return to you. I barely leave the ship unless having to attend business on earth and I’ve always care back. It’s so lonely on earth without you..

Hux: It's so lonely here on the ship when you're not around, not to mention boring...

3: That makes two of us. *I said through a giggle, referring to me and Millie*

Hux: *smiles, kissing your forehead and pets Millie*

4: I had a nightmare, I was pretty shaken up about it. *I hugged him close, smiling* You stayed with me to help me feel better, I appreciated it so much. I’m always happy here, Ren would be surprised to see how happy we are together.

Hux: *rubs your back slowly* He doesn't understand it despite being in love himself. Crazy right?

7: Honey, you remind me how beautiful I am all the time. Calling you adorable doesn’t make you weak, in fact I think it helps you feel a bit confident.

Hux: Maybe, but I don't see how being an adorable General is a threat to anyone at all...

8: I hope Kylo hasn’t been bothering you though? Besides just being...Kylo.

Hux: *grimaces* Well...he thinks I've been slacking lately because I've been spending more time with you. If I don't make up the lost time, he threatened to demote me.

9: It makes me more than happy, I didn’t expect this at all. You’re amazing at surprises. *Kisses his nose, giggling.* what are the plans for this wonderful date my love?

Hux: A lovely dinner while gazing at the stars. *taps his datapad and the walls lift, revealing a 360° window room* After this, who knows? *smirks*


Such a romantic night I'm jealous MinxCoda

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