Captain Phasma - Reply

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Question from jakkujedi:

I have a question for Captain Phasma. Kiss marry kill: Hux, Kylo and Finn

Phasma: Is there a way I can only choose kill? Because I'd very much like to see all of those men dead.

But fine, I'll play along.

I guess if I'm forced to, I'll kiss Kylo. If he has a mask on it will be even better.

I'll marry Hux. He's the most tolerable of the three.

Finn is dead to me for what he's done. There's no other way I think of him but in a grave.

Now let me ask you, who is your kiss, marry and kill of the three?


Great question jakkujedi! I like your profile btw it made me laugh XD send in more questions whenever you want!

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