Captain Phasma - Reply

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Questions from Captain_AM-1185:

To the radical captain of the First Order, Captain Phasma:

Phasma: I am honored and flattered by your compliment, thank you.

I am 100% First Order. Plus I am a very big fan of you Phasma. You could say I'm your #1 fan. It would be my pleasure to join you.

Phasma: With some training, I have no doubt you would make am excellent soldier due go your devotion the First Order.

Question: What do you think is your favorite moment since you joined the First Order?
                                                 -- from the one and only, Captain_AM-1185

Phasma: Watching Starkiller Base be used for the first time. I was there standing behind General Hux as he gave his speech, and I must say I have never been more proud at that moment to be serving the First Order. To witness our superweapon reveal it's power is a motivational moment I will never forget.


Great questions Captain_AM-1185!

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