Poe Dameron - Reply

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Questions from starblown11:

*sends holo message to Poe*

1) Hey Poe! This is Starblown, checking in with the best pilot in the resistance!

Poe: *smiles* Hey! Great to talk with you again!

2) well, you know how I said that I could get the resistance some much needed supplies? 

Poe: *nods*

3) I got them. You wanna know how?

Poe: *smiles* Sure.

4) I used the money from my most recent bounty to “purchase” some stuff for you guys. 

Poe: That's great!

5) Basically, I stole it. I even got that paint for BB-8. 

Poe: Oh. Well, these are desperate times... Hey BB-8, she got you new paint!

BB-8: *beeps excitedly*

6) here’s the list 

Five crates of thermal detonators

Three crates of rations, ones much better then the ones you have now.

Two crates of some EL-11’s, don’t worry, souped them up.

And last but most certainly not least, a brand new X-wing for you.

Poe: *jumps up and goes through your hologram in an attempt to hug* Sorry. I'm just so happy,  I could freaking kiss you!

7) I’m sending them your way now. 

Poe: Yes! I'll send you our coordinates.

8) and some bad news. I’m sorry. But I have some...business to take care of in the outer rim. I promise, I’ll be able to join you...er, the resistance as soon as possible. *under breath* dangit i did it again...

Poe: *smiles fades a bit* I understand. I would like to meet you one day though, face to face. *winks*

9) bye Poe. *smirks, ends transmission*

Poe: See you soon Starblown.


I think you made Poe very happy!

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