General Hux - Reply

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Question from noahgoins:

Hey General Hux I have a Question well it’s not a question buuut I think...... You would make a great Leader.

Hux: Finally someone realizes my potential! Mind sending a copy of this to Ren so I can rub it in his stupid face? That would help.

The day will come when Ren will screw up and I shall claim his position. The galaxy will remember my name as not some petty assistant to the Supreme Leader, but as the Supreme Leader of the universe.

And that is when the First Order will reign, finally eliminate the pathetic Resistance and any other sympathizers to them, and bring the galaxy to its knees!

That is the future that is coming.

One day very soon...


noahgoins hopefully this is what you meant by what you left for me :) if not I'll quickly correct it.

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