Poe Dameron - Reply

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Question from Snowleopardcheetah:

Questions for Poe:

1) Is flying as amazing as I imagine it to be?

Poe: Flying is absolutely the most amazing feeling in the galaxy. I can travel where I want, wherever I want... the freedom it gives you is indescribable. When I'm in my x-wing, I feel like I can take on the whole First Order.

Do you know how to fly? The Resistance is always in need of pilots.

2) Which is more common: you pulling BB-8 out of trouble or him pulling you out of trouble?

Poe: *smiles embarrassed* I want to say it's me saving him...but it's always him saving me. It's good he's around because he's helped me out of some pretty tight situations. I probably wouldn't be here without him.


As always, great questions Snowleopardcheetah!

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