Poe Dameron - Reply

179 12 15

Question from resistancesw:

This is a question for Poe

I'm a big fan, but I have just one small question are you really the best pilot, I mean I think you are and I know you think you are but does everyone else and if so will you teach me to fly an x-wing?

Poe: *smirks* Look, I can fly anything. And yeah, I'm the best damn pilot this galaxy has ever seen.

Everyone knows me; even in the farthest reaches of the galaxy I seem to be a bit of a celebrity. Now not always an admired person, but definitely recognized.

As for teaching you how to fly, sure! I'd love to show you how to pilot an x-wing...if I had one...and it wasn't particles floating around in space... *sighs* It might not be for a while actually...


The Resistance needs pilots and I'm sure you will give Poe some competition resistancesw ;)

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