Kylo - Reply

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For Kylo Ren:

In response to him for his question 2 and 3:

Response to 2: I know about the ashes because you’ve left them out and i found Millicent trying to sit in them. Also, it’s rumored their your grandfathers ashes. *Shrugs lightly, patting his shoulder.* Just try and not leave them out.

Kylo: Hux's cat is such a damn pest, just like him. *glares at the cat*

Response to 3: I don’t want to be your apprentice, I’m very sure you’d just have fun torturing me to anger Hux. *I sighed, crossing my arms over my chest* However, I’ll be around for a while to bother you. *I smiled, walking away from him and waving bye* See ya around!

Kylo:  You're right. Although I don't torture my enemies, I just kill them. *smirks* And I figured you would be a permanent resident, which I can easily change to a short stay....


I'd watch out if I were you MinxCoda!

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