Poe Dameron - Reply

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Question from captainhera647:

This question is for Poe, I'm sorry if this is awkward but Poe do u like Rey??

Poe: *blushes*

Well, I admit she is rather interesting...although she could kick my rear in two seconds. In a way she is more frightening than anything else.

But Finn seems to really like her so I don't want to get in the middle of the two. The poor guy grew up in the First Order. Never had any parents, never had the ability to have a relationship. He deserves a girl like Rey. 

And I've seen her to talk to a wall as if a person was standing there. Space must be getting the girl crazy. That's a bit too weird for me...


I don't know about you but I do ship DameRey captainhera647! I think they'd be so cute <3

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