Captain Phasma - Reply

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From WinterCrystal12:

Question for Captain Phasma ~

Why do you wear shiny armor rather that the normal kind ? 

Phasma: I handmade this armor from leftover scrap of the Emperor's crashed Naboo yacht on Parnassos. I wanted to be different and not blend in with the other meaningless stormtroopers. I'm a captain. I should stand out.

Why do you a CLOTH cape ?

Phasma: It's not cloth, but silk actually. I hemmed it myself.

Why did you kill your brother in the book ?

Phasma: *eyes widen under her mask* You know nothing. I deny all of it. Nothing that you know of me is true...although...I very much so wonder how you came up with such a fantasy?

How did you become Captain ? 

Phasma: Brendol Hux, Armitage Hux's father, our general now, took me in under his wing and trained me to be the best trooper I could be. I of course surpassed anything he threw at me and was soon given the rank of captain in no time.

Do you like to be Captain ?

Phasma: Very much so. I enjoy authority and admire the respect from those below me.

Do you regret anything that you've done in your WHOLE ENTIRE life ?

Phasma: Not getting off my backwater world sooner. And not eliminating FN-2187 before he escaped the Finalizer.

Well... That's all the questions that I have (for now) ~TTYL Phasma!

Phasma: Of course. I'll be in training if you need me. *walks away with her blaster ready for target practice*


Great questions WinterCrystal12!

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