Poe Dameron - Reply

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Questions from starblown11:

I have a few questions/comments for my love Poe (hot) Dameron.

Poe: Oooh my middle name is hot? I knew it. *smirks* I already like you.

1) First off, I'm really sorry about your demotion. And that Leia slapped you. You honestly should be a general at this point.

Poe: I'm waiting on that promotion. Maybe if Leia decides to finally retire from the fight. It would be hard to let her go. She is the hope the Resistance stands on.

2) I've always wanted to join the Resistance, but I haven't yet because I haven't been able to come into contact with you guys...a little offended by that.

Poe: We keep it complicated to contact us so we can't be discovered by the First Order. It's much safer to just meet up at a rendezvous point instead for recruitment.

3) Why are you so perfect? I mean honestly...you're like the most amazing human being I've ever met...only I haven't met you yet...

Poe: *smiles his signature smile* Thank you, darling. Being this perfect is a blessing and a curse. Many people throw themselves at me; it can get tiring, you know? But these looks can also help me out of sticky situations...a bit of flitting and sometimes I'm set free.

And you're quite sweet, saying I haven't met you either. Perhaps that can change if you decide to meet up and join us?

4) Speaking of which, is there a time that we could meet? I know you're kind of busy running from the First Order, but I have my own ship and stuff...

Poe: Funny, I just mentioned that. I'll send you the coordinates to a nice cantina nearby our base and you can meet me there. Then we can discuss the basics of enlisting and maybe I can buy you a drink...

5) That's really it...Love ya babe!

Poe: *blushes* Oh, um, love you too?


Great questions starblown11! Send in more whenever you wish!

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