Kylux - Reply

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From nineonine:

First is for Supreme Leader Ren. 
*I bow to Ren* Okay that’s a very nice answer. *whispering to Ren* Oh anyway, does Hux has an eight pack too? I think he doesn’t have it HAHA.

Kylo: Pfft. No. Of course he doesn't. I'm the shredded one.

So, you don’t have a plan to cut your hair? BUT, I CHANGE MY MIND. I THINK DO NOT CUT YOUR HAIR. YOU ARE AWESOME IN THOSE HAIR.

Kylo: *smiles and takes off his helmet, whipping his locks* Now why would I get rid of my aesthetic?

I have something for you, Supreme Leader. *Give him a letter in Aurebesh Alphabetic* I hope you like it.

Kylo: *looks it over and nods, writes one back and hands it to you*

Well, I have to meet General Ginger right now. I must talk to him before my bedtime. Well see you later, Awesome Supreme Leader Ren. *I bow to Ren and leaving him* 

Kylo: General Ginger, I'll have to remember that one. *smirks*

Next, for General Hux.

*come over him with sad face* Hello, General. Well, I want to say sorry about what I said to you General. I didn’t mean to, please forgive me. *I give him puppy eyes and hug him* I still 15 years old and I still want to life, please don’t kill me or punish me. I promise I will never say that again to you and I’ll do whatever you want, General. *tears falling down from my face* I admit you are the best General ever. You have a great strategy and you also have cool style. I love you like I love my father, General.

Hux: Your words are very flattering. I suppose I could overlook your little incident.

Well, I think I have to go because it’s almost past my bedtime and tomorrow I must go to the academy. If you need something, just call me *give him my number* Good night, General. *hug him and then leave him*

Hux: *awkwardly stands there in the hug* Um, goodnight?

And last for them.
SO, CAN I JOIN TO PLAY THE DEJARIK??? But there is one problem. I don’t know how to play it. Would you guys teach me?

Kylo: Sure. I'll teach you how to beat Hux.

Hux: *scoffs* He means he will teach you how to cheat, which is the only way he can figure out how to win against my strategic team.


I wish I knew how to play Dejarik too nineonine I'm guessing it's something like chess maybe?

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