Captain Phasma - Reply

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Questions from Demon_Of_Durin_89:

I have a Question for Phasma and a gift *Hands Phasma high-grade armor polish for chrome armor*

Phasma: *takes it and twirls it in her hand with a nod* This will be perfect for my armor. I would like to order a bulk shipment of this.

How does it feel to work with two man-children named Kylo Ren and General Hux?

Phasma: *sighs, rolls eyes behind helmet* I feel like I am the only mature human being in this whole base. Half the time I am the mediator to keep them from ripping each others' heads off. I do tend to side with the general more often though, only because between him and I, we can make almost any annoyance just disappear...

Other than that I'm just a babysitter with a whipping stick.

And your a bad ass :)

Phasma: Damn right I am.


Great questions Demon_Of_Durin_89! And yes, she is definitely a badass ;)

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