General Hux - Reply

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Replies from MinxCoda:

Responses to Hux: 

1: That you are correct, however don’t worry too much on it. *I continued to massage and work on his shoulders, making sure I put in extra effort to get those knots out and make his muscles feel better.* Right now, just relax and we’ll worry about them later. 

Hux: *closes his eyes and leans back into your touch* have the magic touch, darling.

2: *I giggled* Alright, I’ll leave it be love. *I leaned up again once I finished my cookie, looking into his beautiful eyes* Thank you darling. 

Hux: *eyeing your cookie* Happen to have any more of...whatever it is you're eating? It smells good.

3: *I watched him try and fix his hair, softly giggling as he tried but gave up. I kissed his shoulder, getting up from the bed to get ready* Well, besides the beautiful messy bed hair you have, I hope your day goes well and Kylo doesn’t break anything. 

Hux: He has been a little better recently, which is almost scary...I wonder what he's up to...

4: Thank you my love. *I kissed his lips gently, pulling away slowly with a smile* People have told me you’re intimidating when you’re upset, however seeing how upset you can get.. *I placed my hand on his cheek, caressing his cheek with my thumb* Means you truly care, in my eyes. 

Hux: *smirks* Always good to know I still intimidate my men.

5: *I cleaned myself off and arrived at Hux’s office in just the time I said I would. As I entered his empty office, i took off my black coat to reveal my beautiful, flirty yet sexy outfit* Hux, you in here? 

Hux: *looks up and jaw drops, swallows and tries to keep his composure* My...what a lucky man I am to witness this beauty. *pulls you close to him* I hope you plan on taking a longer break than usual because I'm not letting you leave for a while...

6: Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you’re back will be in better condition once we get there. 

Hux: Your massages are true lifesavers.

7: *I moved my hands from my face, trying to calmly look at him though my face was still bright red* That’s understandable, not knowing or not wanting children isn’t a big issue for me. *I rubbed my hot cheeks as I looked away, smiling. I looked back at him shyly, still smiling* Is my blush noticeable? 

Hux: Very. But I find it cute. *smirks*

8: *I laughed lightly at his comment.* I love it when you’re protective, it’s adorable to see but also funny to watch you startle the staring officers.

Hux: You're mine. I know our relationship is secret but everyone needs to know that you are untouchable regardless.

(In response to the dress)

9: *I smiled at his compliment* Thank you my love. The droids will have the outfit done later today, you won’t have to wait too long. *I blushed lightly with a bigger smile. When he mentioned the dinner date  plus special surprise a smirk tugged at the corner of my lips with a giggle* What time am shall I arrive to the date love?

Hux: Right after work. Come to this room. *handed you a card with a number on it* I'll meet you there.


You two definitely should be shipped MinxCoda

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