General Hux - Reply

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From MinxCoda:

Responses to Hux!

1: *I chuckled, looking at him with the smirk still plastered on my face* As much as I’d love to give you desert, you should eat lunch first.

Hux: *whines softly* Fine.

2: *I nodded, awing at her* I did my best, royalty must always look beautiful and dangerously cute!

Hux: But of course. Just like you. *winks*

3: Thank you Love, no one here takes me seriously enough except a few. I’ve heard them whispering about me, awful ones. *I took another sip, sighing deeply as I tried to relax* I don’t let it bother me too much. I worked hard for my title and position on earth, I can do so here.

Hux: I want their names or serial numbers now. They're dead to me. Literally.

4: I was down on earth, wondering if I belonged on that planet. Did I ever tell you the story of what led me here?

Hux: No, please do. I'm rather curious. *sips his wine and watches you eagerly*


Great replies MinxCoda!

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