General Hux - Reply

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Question from Demon_Of_Durin_89:

I have a question for Hux or General Ginger Snap:

So how did yours and Kylo's talk go?

Hux: Our talk? *shudders* It didn't...go very well...

But I hear it was your fault that it even happened in the first place? Would you like to explain why? *draws lightwhip* You talk willingly or through cries of pain, your choice.

*presses signal for MinxCoda* Now you will get it times two. I hope this was worth it, to tell on me. I know I still get to benefit. *smirks as he sets lightwhip to highest setting*


I guess this is goodbye Demon_Of_Durin_89 XD

(Not literally of course you can still send in more questions)

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