General Hux - Reply

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Questions from MinxCoda:

Thought of some questions for Hux:

1: *I sipped my tea as I leaned over Hux’s shoulder, he was sitting on the couch reading a book. I kissed his ear and neck gently, the pinched his cheek gently* You know, you make it extremely obvious when you stare. Especially earlier when I was stretching and doing gymnastics in the gym. *I said with a smile and giggle* 

Hux: *blushing from being caught* are quite a lovely sight to look at.

2: So... *I bit into a cookie I had, my head on Hux’s lap as I looked up at him, his hand in my hair as he looked at me* Your friend, Falynn correct? *I smiled, almost letting out a giggle* You never told me I had competition, though I think I already win. Dooo tell me of him, I’d love to knooow. *I said in a teasing playful voice to Hux, letting out a small giggle as I tried not to laugh* 

Hux: *groans and leans his head back* Not you too. I take it Ren told you?

*still blushing as he tries to deny it all* Look, we maybe, maybe were a 'something' but I can assure you that now we're a 'nothing'. Just you and me, love. I promise no one else will come between us.

3: *I was sitting up in bed, Hux just waking up and stretching as he too sat up. I looked at him dreamily, smiling at his perfection* My my am I lucky to have such a handsome man. 

Hux: *flexes his bare back extra at hearing you* I suppose you are lucky for the fact I don't let myself give in to feelings very easily. You broke me. Congratulations.

4: *I walked into Hux’s office, seeing he was busy on his computer. I took in a deep breath, then walked towards him, behind his computer and sat next to him* Hux, love. I thought it was time to inform you of something. *I let the breath I had in go as I looked at him. I sounded and looked nervous.* I talked with Phasma, and I’ll be training the stormtroopers and soldiers with three of my close allies. She’ll be in charge though of course but mostly watching, she stated that if any failures came from the troopers that I will and have to take responsibility. I know I should have came and talked to you about it, but work has been keeping you busy and I didn’t want to just wait around and not make a name for myself. I hope that’s alright..? *I said in a nervous tone, he’d either get upset I didn’t say anything or have faith and believe in me. I could only hope and guess his reaction.*

Hux: *stares at you for a moment, his emotions flickering and changing* Why...why would you let her treat you that way?

*he now stood, angered. His voice grew a growl as he spoke, a common sign his temper fuse has been lit and burning fast*

You are equal to me in power and command and I will not have anyone on this blasted ship or the First Order in it's entirety treat you like you're beneath them? *he almost spat out the word with disgust* Phasma and I will have a long discussion and she will understand that she has no power or ranking over you. I want to know immediately if anyone threaten you in such a way. Do not hesitate.

1: *I panted hard, i was working out in the gym room but took a few minutes to relax. I've been here for a few hours, since the morning, it was close to afternoon and by this time Hux was in his office working. I smirked, picked up the comlink he gave me, pressing a button and speaking into it* Hello darling, I’m still at the gym, I’ll be here for another hour or so. I’m checking in and wanted to say, you’re adorably and dangerously handsome. 

Hux: *blushing but glad his face couldn't be seen* Take your time. You know where I am. Right behind my desk. Nowhere else... *sighs softly with boredom* Drop by my office when you're done, maybe? I could use more of your... special treatment again. *smirks*

2: Hux, remember when I said we’d take a bit off? Especially you? *I chuckled, kissing his cheek* I found the perfect planet for us to just relax at. We’ll be there for a day or two but we’ll still be in range of The First Order. *I giggled, kissing his nose gently.* Have your bags ready, we’ll bring Millie along with us. 

Hux:  *cringes slightly at hearing he was taking off work but agreed* You're right, I do need some time away probably. You and I both deserve it.

3: This is a rather odd question, but being someone as powerful as you, do you plan on having an heirs to continue your legacy or just children in general? A lot of powerful leaders on earth in our past history were deeply concerned about having heirs to continue their legacy. *I said as I drifted into my historical thought process, spacing out for a bit until I snapped myself back into reality* My apologies, I enjoy history a lot and I drifted off into my thoughts. 

Hux: Are you asking me if I want to have children with you in the future? *raises brow*

4: *I took Hux’s hand, kissing his cheek gently* I hope, that one day we can freely walk around, holding hands, being affectionate towards one another and not worry what people will think or if we’ll be showing weakness. *I smiled brightly, pinching both his cheeks lightly as I giggled* I do enjoy our privacy though.

Hux: I think...keeping it private is best. *almost admitted he was the one who saw it as a weakness and enforced that rule*


Great questions MinxCoda!

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