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Questions from MarianaYT1978

For Rey:do you want to be my friend?:3

Rey: Sure! I don't have many and I'd love to have more. As long as you're not with the First Order then we're good.

Question: For Finn:tell me the truth,you love Rose? :3

Finn: Well, she is a great friend...the kiss was certainly unexpected but I guess I could say pleasant (although I've never kissed anyone before, I can't compare it). And then there's Rey, who I find quite interesting to begin with. I guess just wait and see what the future brings.

Question: For Poe:do you have a crush 7w7?

Poe Dameron: As by crush you mean Summer then yes.


Great questions MarianaYT1978! Submit more whenever you wish and that included anyone else as well!

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