④. Weight

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Requested by @_jaymeezz_!

Also, I want to let you know each one of you is incredibly beautiful in your own unique way :) U IS BEAUTIFUL U IS WORTH IT!!! You are more than a physical appearance. Everyone is so unique, so different, yet so similar, it's beautiful, JUST LIKE YOU

Thanks so much for reading! :)

Type: Fluff

Prompt: Y/n is insecure about her weight, y/bf Of course comforting her. :)

Word Count: 654

⚠️ TW ⚠️ mentions of weight insecurity


Since childhood, you had carried a certain level of insecurity about your body, often seeing yourself as somewhere in the middle between being overweight and thin. This week, though, those insecurities were weighing heavily on you, triggered by an unexpected encounter with y/bf and his ex at the store. She was the epitome of fitness, slender, and undeniably beautiful. After running into her, you couldn't help but question why y/bf would choose you over her. The encounter haunted your thoughts all week, leading you to retreat and isolate yourself.

"Hey, y/n, want to go out for dinner tonight?" Y/bf asked, flashing a grin as he settled next to you on the couch.

"Uh, I'd prefer to stay in tonight," you replied with a forced smile.

"Oh, okay. We could order takeout and watch a movie?" he suggested, pulling out his phone.

Y/bf swiftly dialed the nearest pizza place, placing an order for two small pizzas. Within 10 minutes, the pizzas arrived.

"This looks amazing!" Y/bf exclaimed, eagerly opening the pizza boxes.

You indulged in your first slice without hesitation, but when the thought of a second slice crossed your mind, you hesitated. Fearing any potential weight gain, you decided to pass.


"Y/n, you've hardly eaten," y/bf observed, his concern evident in his voice.

"Oh, I'm just not very hungry," you fibbed, pushing the pizza box away.

Y/bf studied you for a moment, still worried, as he continued eating. After finishing his dinner, y/bf turned on the TV, scrolling through to find your favorite movie. Naturally, he drew you close, wrapping his arms around your waist. You flinched slightly and shifted away, avoiding his touch on your stomach.

"Is everything okay?" y/bf inquired, retracting his arms.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just going to get some water," you lied, making your way to the kitchen.

You didn't want y/bf to see how deeply your insecurities were affecting you; it felt too embarrassing, especially knowing how you compared to his ex.

"Y/n, what's wrong?" y/bf asked firmly, pulling you from your thoughts.

"What do you mean?"

"You've been acting strangely. You barely touched your favorite pizza, and you denied cuddling, which you never do."

"It's just... Forget it; it's too embarrassing," you muttered, waving him off.

"Y/n, you can tell me," he reassured, planting a gentle kiss on your temple.

"Why are you even with me? Compared to your ex, I'm just a chubby, unattractive girl," you confessed, tears welling up. (YOU 👏🏻 ARE 👏🏻 PERFECT 👏🏻 JUST 👏🏻 THE 👏🏻 WAY 👏🏻 YOU 👏🏻 ARE 👏🏻)

Y/bf was utterly taken aback, his expression dropping as he heard those words escape your lips.

"Y/n, look at me," he implored, placing both hands on your shoulders.

"You are nothing like my ex. You're more than thin enough, fit enough, and far more beautiful than enough," he poured out, eyes moistening.

"Y/bf, why are you crying? I should be the one in tears here. You're too good to me," you sobbed, clinging to him in a tight embrace.

"It breaks my heart that you have these negative thoughts about yourself. Y/n, you're absolutely stunning. I can't express how much I love you," he sniffled, holding you just as tightly.

"I promise I'll never think poorly of myself again. I never want to hurt you or myself like this again."

From that day forward, you shed those self-doubts, now knowing truly that you are beautiful, and with y/bf by your side, your love was stronger than any insecurity.

Hope that was ok! Just know you are all beautiful!

Crush/Boyfriend ImaginesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz