⑤⑧. Cramps

13.6K 201 68

Type: Fluffff

Prompt: ^^

Word Count: 472


Wincing in discomfort, you collapsed onto the couch, curling into a ball as you clutched your stomach.
Periods were already a pain, but when you had severe cramps like this, it was unbearable. (I have a condition where my cramps are as or even more painful than labor 🙃)
Immobile, you lay there, clutching your lower abdomen, nearly on the brink of tears from the intense pain. That's when you suddenly heard your boyfriend's voice echoing through the empty house.

"Y/n? Are you here?"

"I'm here," you managed to squeak out.

Concerned, he walked into the living room, finding you clearly in pain.

"Baby, what's wrong?"

"N-nothing," you cringed, another wave of pain washing over you.

With a concerned expression, he gently scooped you up into his arms and settled you down on his lap. Running his fingers through your hair, he pulled you close to his chest.

"Please, tell me what's wrong," he pleaded.

Sighing, you finally gave in, wincing as another wave of pain hit you.

"Just cramps."

"Aww, baby, I'm sorry. Let me help you," he offered sympathetically.

Not resisting, you let him, and he began to rub your lower back, making you sigh in relief from the sudden relief of pain.

"Is that better?"

"Mhm," you nodded, enjoying his comforting touch.

As he continued, you soon felt the pain returning, his massage no longer effective.

"Are you all right?" Y/bf asked, noticing your increasing discomfort.

"Y-yeah, it's just starting to hurt again..."

Frowning, he scooped you up in his arms once more, carrying you up to your room. Gently, he placed you on your bed, then walked to your dresser, fetching some sweatpants and one of his shirts he had given you.

"Put these on, and I'll be right back," he said, handing you the clothes before hurrying back to the kitchen.

There, he heated up a heating pad (or water bottle) in the microwave, grabbing some medicine from the cabinet. Within seconds, he returned to your room, smiling as he saw you snuggled up in his oversized shirt.

"Aww, you look so cute! Here, I got some things to help," he cooed, handing you the warm heating pad (or water bottle) and counting out some tablets from the medicine bottle.

"Thanks, y/bf, you're the best," you said, placing the warm object on your lower stomach and lying back against the bed.

"Anything for my baby," he reassured, setting the tablets on the bedside table along with a glass of water.

After you took the medicine, y/bf climbed into bed beside you, immediately pulling you into his side, resting his head against yours.

"Thanks for taking care of me," you yawned, leaning your head on his shoulder.

"There's nothing I'd rather do," he grinned, kissing your forehead.

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