⑧⑦. Deck The Halls

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It's that time of year!!! Time for fluffy Christmas imagines!!! Lmk some ideas you'd like to see! (preferably ones I haven't done)

Type: Fluff

Prompt: It's the first day of December and to say y/bf is excited is simply an understatement.

Word Count: 730


Gradually, you began to rouse from your slumber, your ears catching the familiar strains of Mariah Carey's 'All I Want For Christmas' echoing throughout the house. A sigh escaped your lips as you reached for your phone on the bedside table, its bold white numbers revealing the unwelcome truth.

"9:00 AM, December 1st," you muttered, rubbing the bridge of your nose.

Your boyfriend, y/bf, didn't just love Christmas; he absolutely adored it. Without fail, on the first day of December, his Christmas spirit exploded. The entire house transformed into a festive wonderland, with red and green lights, oversized stockings, a beautiful Christmas tree, and festive garland appearing as if by magic on this day.

Suddenly, a terrible shrieking sound emanated from the kitchen. Was the kettle boiling? Was your pet in trouble? After a moment of analysis, you realized it was y/bf, singing his heart out to the blaring Christmas tunes.
Grabbing one of y/bf's oversized hoodies from the floor, you made your way to the kitchen, the music growing louder with each step.

"All I want for Christmas isssss YOUUUUUUU!" y/bf screamed off-key, using a wooden spoon as a microphone.

"Y/bf, what are you doing? It's 9 AM on a Saturday," you grumbled, pressing the mute button on the speaker he had set up.

"Did you forget? C'mon, y/n, you can't forget!"

"I know, I know," you chuckled, hugging his shirtless torso from behind.

"Uh... Are those gingerbread men?" you questioned, pointing down to his festive-colored boxers.

"Of course, what else would I be wearing?" he playfully scoffed, holding out the fabric to show you.

"Well, they're great," you said, hugging him once more.

After having breakfast and taking a refreshing shower, it was time to deck the halls.

"Okay, first on the agenda is the tree, of course," he happily declared, pulling out the massive box holding the tree.

With Christmas music filling the air, you set up the tree. You and y/bf had decided on a faux Christmas tree to avoid the mess and work. Together, you opened the box and carefully placed the tree in its designated spot.

"Perfect! Now, time for decorating!" he exclaimed, pulling out a big box of decorations.

One by one, you pulled out the beautiful ornaments, placing them delicately on the branches. With snow falling gently outside the window, y/bf humming along to ambient Christmas music, and the fireplace crackling, you felt completely at peace.

"There, the last ornament," y/bf announced, placing the glass object on a tree branch.

Grinning, you sleepily draped your arms around y/bf's torso, resting your head against his shoulder. Y/bf gently pressed a kiss against your forehead, wrapping his arms snugly around your waist.

"It looks beautiful."

"Just like you," he remarked, kissing your forehead again.

Taking in the beautiful scene, you became aware of the increasing challenge of keeping your eyes open. Y/bf smiled adoringly at you before suddenly sweeping you off your feet.

"What're you doing?"

"Taking my baby to bed. You've been up since 9 AM."

"You realize that's a normal wake-up time, right?"

"Shhhh, you're not making sense because you're so tired," he teased, gently setting you on your side of the bed.

Y/bf pulled back the duvet, creating space for you to crawl beneath the covers. Once you were settled in, he pulled the covers up to your neck, tucking you in snugly.

"Goodnight, sleep well," he cooed, placing a soft kiss on your lips before turning toward the door.

"Wait, where are you going?" you pouted, emerging from your blanket cocoon.

"Oh, I was just going to finish setting up..."

"Can you come to sleep?" you begged, giving him your best puppy eyes.

"How can I say no to that face?" he chuckled, making his way to the opposite side of the bed and crawling under the sheets.

Immediately, you scooted closer, cuddling against his side. Contentedly sighing, he pulled you on top of him, his arms enveloping you in a warm embrace.
The warmth of y/bf's embrace and the softness of the bed enveloped you in a cozy cocoon of comfort. His scent, a mixture of his favorite cologne and the faint aroma of fresh pine from the newly decorated Christmas tree, provided an inviting atmosphere. It was the perfect respite from the whirlwind of holiday preparations that had taken over the house.

As you nestled against his chest, you could hear the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, a soothing lullaby that whispered of love and contentment. The room was dimly lit, the soft glow of the Christmas lights on the tree casting a warm, enchanting ambiance that danced across the walls. Snowflakes continued their gentle descent outside the window, blanketing the world in a quiet, serene beauty.
Y/bf's fingers traced lazy patterns along your back, and you couldn't help but let out a contented sigh. The stress of the outside world melted away as you relished this moment of stillness, away from the chaos of everyday life.

"Are you tired yet, my love?" y/bf whispered, his voice as gentle as a snowflake's kiss.

You nodded, feeling the weight of sleep tugging at your eyelids. "All this holiday cheer is exhausting," you replied with a yawn.

Y/bf chuckled softly, the sound vibrating beneath your ear. "I promise I'll wake you up when the gingerbread cookies are ready. You can't miss those."

With a sleepy smile, you agreed. His chest rose and fell with each peaceful breath, and you found yourself drifting into a peaceful slumber, lulled by the serene magic of the season and the warmth of the love you shared.

Idk how to end it so hope you enjoyed!!

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