Serious Advice.

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Enjoy my light-hearted meme i made just for this part loool

Hey all! Finally back from my break down... I just thought I'd share a little 'tidbit' I've learned in my nearing 18 years of life.

 While guys, crushes, and relationships can be great and amazing! There is something I must warn you of... (This is all knowledge from personal experience and actual confessions from guys, including my dad who taught me how dumb guys can be sometimes lol)

You probs will roll your eyes or disagree when I say this but I PROMISE it's true, my dad was so right.. All guys only (mostly) want is sex... I'm sorry but that's just how it is. Whether they guy you like/are dating/ even just talking to won't admit it, deep down he knows he wants it... This is totally fine and acceptable as it is in their DNA and they can't help it, and its natural! not a bad thing at all! but let me tell you another quite sad thing.. 

Girls genetically get attached easier. For example, when you hug a guy your brain produces dopamine and serotonin.  But in the guy's brain, this isn't the case.. For him to feel the same he has to be engaging in more.. sexual things.

I know some of you are thinking of a guy who totally isn't like this at all! And well that's probably because he's learned to deal with it, which deserves a good ol cheer. 

Basically, I'm just tryna warn/inform all of you out there about this side of guys, so please, if he doesn't text you don't text him back and if he doesn't want you don't want him back if he tries to pressure you into anything drop him! 

But please don't forget that crushes and love are great!!! I probs made everyone wanna stop reading this book but that's not at all the point, I'm just tryna protect all my lil ducklings from stupid heart breakkk :( Ily all sm and thanks for being here.. you mean so much to me, seriously ily

guysss suckk ew but they dont at the same time. I promise this isn't meant for any shade just a life tip! Guys are great and boyfriends are great and love is out there!

Leave some requests maybe if i didn't crush your soul :( lol 

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