㊵. Video Games

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Sorry ive been gone so long!! I've been reading all of your wonderful submissions for my writing contest! (Smut coming soon btw :P)

Type: Fluff

Prompt: After y/n watched y/bf play video games for a while she decides to leave. Y/bf of course doesn't like this idea, resulting in him trying to find a way to get y/n to stay.

Word Count: 372

Hope this is ok!


"Dang it," y/bf grumbled quietly, his frustration mounting as he watched his character meet its demise on the TV screen.

"Did you die again?" You chuckled, looking up from your phone.

Y/bf nodded, his eyes still locked on the game, as if his attention was unwilling to stray for even a second. At first, watching y/bf play his video game had been enjoyable. He interacted with you, making jokes, and providing commentary. However, after about an hour, he became increasingly absorbed in the screen, his responses and conversations dwindling to nothing.

Sighing, you observed as your phone screen turned black, indicating that your source of entertainment was now gone. You genuinely wanted to spend time with y/bf, but the boredom was hard to ignore.
With a decision to find other ways to occupy your time, you considered the idea of hanging out with y/bf's sister, who was around your age. As you began to stand up, a pair of familiar arms enveloped your waist. Without warning, y/bf sat back down on the couch, gently pulling you onto his lap.

"What are you doing?" you inquired, though you didn't resist as he drew you closer.

"I don't want you to leave," he protested, taking a nearby blanket and cocooning both of you within its warmth.

You smiled and nestled your face deeper into his chest, y/bf's arms wrapped securely around you. His chin rested comfortably on your shoulder. As y/bf continued to play his video game, he started to re-engage with you, his focus divided between the screen and keeping you close. The balance between his game and your presence created a more enjoyable atmosphere, giving you both a chance to share time and affection.

Sorry this was wayyy cuter in my head :/

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