㉟. "We Can't Fight Under The Mistletoe."

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Requested by the lovely @Idkyme!

Type: Angst ending in fluff!

Prompt: After getting into a fight with y/bf, all is resolved with a single mistletoe.

Word Count: 609


The day had started wonderfully, with you and Y/bf setting up your Christmas decorations, watching classic holiday movies, and even embarking on the joyous task of wrapping gifts. The day had been filled with shared laughter and the warmth of the season, until an unforeseen argument cast a shadow over the evening.

"Why can't you ever just pick a restaurant? You're so indecisive!" Y/bf grumbled, his grip tightening on the steering wheel as frustration began to seep into the car.

"Well, sorry I actually take time to think about things!" you shot back, noticing Y/bf clenching his jaw in response.

"You take too long to think! It's like, do you even have a brain in there?" Y/bf shouted, pointing at your head with an accusatory tone.

That comment caught you off guard. You had always grappled with insecurities about your intelligence, and this unkind remark certainly didn't help. (Feel free to make it that you're exceptionally intelligent or not, as you prefer.)

"Go home," you sternly replied, your gaze fixed on the passing cityscape outside the window.

"Why? Let me guess, you're not hungry now?" Y/bf scoffed, tears now forming in your eyes.

You didn't reply. Instead, you kept your attention outside the car window. Fortunately, you hadn't ventured too far from home, which made the drive back a brief journey. The anger-infused silence hung in the air like an unwelcome guest. The moment you pulled into the driveway, you swiftly exited the car, not casting a glance back at Y/bf, who remained seated in the running vehicle.
Inside, you didn't even bother taking off your coat as you stormed to the bedroom you and Y/bf shared, neglecting even to lock the door behind you. As you began to change into more comfortable attire, you heard Y/bf's voice from the doorway.

"Y/n, I'm sorry. I'm such a jerk. I was just lashing out because I'm so overwhelmed with this Christmas season, but I know that's not an excuse," he admitted, causing your anger to wane ever so slightly.

Without responding, you continued to change, with Y/bf still standing at the doorway. After you had completed your change, you tried to pass by him, but he wouldn't let you.

"Y/n, you don't have to talk to me, but please forgive me. After all, we can't fight under the mistletoe, can we?" he said with a mischievous grin, pointing to the decoration hanging above your heads.

Now, you couldn't help but smile, willingly accepting Y/bf's tender kiss.

"Does this mean you're not mad anymore?" he asked, his arms still cradling your face from the kiss.

"I could never stay mad at you," you smiled, leaning in for another heartfelt kiss.

After sharing a few more affectionate moments, you suddenly realized something. Why was there mistletoe hanging above your bedroom door?

"Hey, uh, Y/bf, why is mistletoe hanging above our room?"

"Well, I wanted to put it somewhere we both walk a lot so I could have an excuse to kiss you even more," he confessed, his arms encircling your waist.

"You never need an excuse to kiss me," you reassured, leaning in once again for another sweet and passionate kiss.

Hope that was enjoyable! Thanks sm for reading ily all so much!!

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