⑧⑥. Warm Showers

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I like these kinda fluffy writing prompts that are simple and can be made very sweet or just very open story line, leave me some more requests like this!!
Also leave me any suggestions or feed back on how to improve / keep your experience great :)

Type: Fluff

Prompt: While taking a nice shower, y/n is surprised by y/bf wanting nothing more but to join.

Word Count: 631


The steaming water cascaded down your shoulders, trickling along your back, and soothing your once-tense muscles after a long, arduous day. You had treated yourself to a well-deserved warm shower, and it was the perfect remedy. The bathroom was filled with a comforting haze, as the warmth enveloped you.
As you leaned back, allowing the water to embrace your face and hair, you heard the door open.

"Y/n?" Your boyfriend's voice called out, knocking lightly on the open door.

"Yes, y/bf?" you responded.

"What're you up to?"

"You know, just saving the world" you sarcastically replied.

"Without me?"

"I'm sorry; I would've invited you, but I had a long day and just needed a nice shower," you explained.

"Oh, okay," your boyfriend replied, closing the bathroom door.

Frowning at his strange behavior, you decided to dismiss it. Moments later, the shower curtain was yanked open, and your naked boyfriend joined you.

"What are you doing?!" you gasped, surprised.

"I wanted to shower with you," he explained, wrapping his arms around your waist.

Shaking your head slightly, you couldn't help but smile; your boyfriend was too cute. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and leaned in to give him a peck on the lips.

"Now, don't let me distract you from your shower," he smirked, holding a shampoo bottle.

"May I?" he asked, gesturing to your hair and then the bottle.

"Of course," you replied.

Happily, you turned away from him, anticipating him washing your hair.

"No, no, no, face me. I want to see your face," he commanded, placing his hands on your hips to guide you around.

"Okay, bossy pants," you teased, turning to face him.

"Hey, I'm not bossy; you're bossy," he playfully pouted.

"Oh, my bad," you giggled.

Before opening the shampoo bottle, your boyfriend gently massaged the suds into your scalp, sending a pleasurable shiver down your spine. His fingers were like magic, relieving the tension you didn't even know you had.

"That feel good?"

"Mhmm," you agreed, closing your eyes and leaning into his touch.

"Okay, now rinse."

You followed his instructions, trying to wash out all the shampoo, but for some reason, it wouldn't fully rinse away, no matter how hard you tried. Perplexed, you moved your head out of the water only to see your boyfriend holding the bottle over your head, squeezing more shampoo into your hair.


"What? Just making sure your hair is extra clean," he defended with an innocent grin.

"You're wasting my shampoo," you sighed, finally getting rid of all the soap.

"Don't worry; I'll buy you all the shampoo you want," he cooed, wrapping his arms around you.

"Oh, joy," you chuckled, hugging him back as you swayed gently back and forth.

After turning off the shower, you were immediately greeted by the cold air, causing goosebumps to form on your skin. Without hesitation, your boyfriend draped a towel around your shoulders and hugged you from behind, attempting to warm you up.

"Thank you," you shivered, turning to hug him.

"Of course," he grinned, planting a kiss on the top of your head. This simple, affectionate act was a reminder that his quirky antics and boundless love were the very things that made your life together so special.

Idk how to end this so I hope you enjoyyyy

Crush/Boyfriend ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon