⑧. Sleepover (crush)

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If you aren't allowed to have sleepovers  just pretend 😂
Hope you like it and let me know what you want to see next 😊💕

Sorry it's trashhhhh I just needed to update 😬

Y/f: your friend
Y/of: your other friend (boy)

Type: fluff

Prompt: Y/c asks y/n to sleep over at his house, resulting in secret feelings being shared

Word Count: 1010


This weekend, y/c was hosting a sleepover for his birthday, with only a select few close friends from your friend group attending.

"I'm so excited!" You exclaimed, holding your pillow and blanket in your arms, a touch of excitement in your step as you and y/f walked to y/c's house.

"You're just excited to see y/c because you love him," y/f said in a sing-song voice, playfully teasing you.

"I do not!" You grumbled, pushing your friend's shoulder and eliciting a laugh.

"Y/n, it's so obvious you like him! And not to mention, he obviously likes you too. You are literally so oblivious," y/f explained, rolling her eyes.

Soon, you reached y/c's front step, knocking just once before he answered the door.

"Hey, y/n and y/f!" Y/c exclaimed, pulling you both into a hug after opening the door.

Walking inside, you saw all your friends sitting in the living room, chatting and eagerly waiting for your arrival. Y/c had a day full of activities planned, and he didn't waste any time sharing the plan.
(Fast forward to after the day's activities because I'm too lazy to write all that.)
Later that evening, everyone was completely exhausted, sprawled out across the living room in various states of comfort.

"So, where are we all going to sleep?" You asked y/c, who was lying beside you on the floor.

"I was thinking we could all sleep on the trampoline! That is, if everyone's okay with that," he said, sitting up to gauge everyone's reactions.

To no one's surprise, everyone was excited about the idea of sleeping on the massive trampoline outside, under the starry night sky. Everyone rushed outside to set up their sleeping bags, and you noticed y/c placing his sleeping bag right beside yours. Your eyes met, and you couldn't help but smile.

"Is it alright if I sleep by you?" Y/c asked, sending a rush of butterflies through your stomach.

"Yeah, of course!" You exclaimed, inviting him to put his stuff down.

You felt your cheeks flush; among all the available spots to sleep, he chose to be next to you. As the sun dipped below the horizon, it was time to get ready for bed. As you followed the group outside, someone suddenly grabbed your arm, pulling you aside.

"Y/n, I told you y/c likes you!" y/f whispered, her enthusiasm hard to contain.

"Why do you think that?" You sighed, pulling your hand away.

"He put his sleeping bag by you! Not anyone else, just you!" She exclaimed, shaking your shoulders.

"He's probably just being nice!"

"Yeah, sure, 'nice,'" y/f smirked, adding air quotes around the word 'nice.'

With a sigh, you pulled y/f back over to the group, smiling as you settled into your sleeping bag beside y/c.

"Hey, we should all tell ghost stories!" one of your friends suggested, met with cheers and nods from the group.

Y/of was known for his chilling ghost stories, capable of scaring even the toughest individuals. He began his tale, and everyone huddled in their sleeping bags. Y/c was the closest person to you, but you were too embarrassed to scoot any closer. However, y/c seemed to read your mind, and he shifted closer, your shoulders now touching as he nestled close.

"I love ghost stories," he said excitedly.

"Then why did you scoot so close to me?" You asked, playfully bumping your shoulder against his.

"Because I know how scary they can get, and I don't want you to get scared," he replied, nervously smiling as he looked away from your gaze.

Without a word, you laid your head on his shoulder, and he smiled, wrapping an arm around you. After y/of finished his story, everyone was ready for bed, huddled together in sleeping bags, seeking warmth from each other. With the soft autumn breeze and the starry sky above, you drifted to sleep in seconds.
You woke up suddenly, feeling the warmth of someone's arms around your waist. Confusion washed over you. You realized y/c had wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer to his chest.

"Oh, sorry, did I wake you up?" Y/c asked, letting go as he yawned.

"Uhm, no, I just woke up on my own," you lied, nervously laughing.

"I hope you don't mind that I was like... holding you. You just looked so cold and, well... cute," he mumbled, hoping you didn't hear.

"I don't mind at all. I—wait, did you call me cute?" You asked, your mind racing as you processed what he had said.

"Y/n, I hope this doesn't ruin our friendship, but I love you," he blurted.

You sat there in disbelief. Was this actually happening? Was your crush confessing his love for you?

"I love you too," you managed to say, the worry fading from his face.

Getting on one knee, he took your hand, cleared his throat, and asked, "Y/n Y/l, will you make me the luckiest guy in the world and be my girlfriend?" He playfully mimicked a marriage proposal.

"I'd be honored," you smiled, laughing at his playful act.

After sitting up for a while and talking, y/c pulled you back into his arms, nuzzling his head in the crook of your neck before drifting into peaceful sleep. Nearly a year of dreaming had led up to this moment, the dream of y/c finally becoming y/bf.

Sorry that was beyond awful (believe me Ik) leave me some requests and I hope you all have an amazing day!!

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