Chapter 9

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Paige took out her phone and typed in the location of tonight's venue. We hopped on a tram and rode it all the way to the location. The tram stopped at our location and dropped us off. There was a line outside the venue waiting for the doors to open.

You looked around the venue while waiting in line, "Paige, we're at a high school."

Paige laughed, "I thought it was gonna be a warehouse. Whoops?"

You smirked and looked ahead at the long line of people, "There are more girls than guys in line. I wonder why?"

Paige heard your sarcastic comment, "I bet most of these girls are here for TJ."

You smiled, "Bet."

Paige took your bet and asked a few girls in front of them, "Excuse me ladies, but my friend and I were wondering why there were some many of us girls here?"

A long blonde girl laughed, "There's this wrestler named TJ Perkins, and OMG he's sooooooooo good in the ring."

Her friend laughed, "And his body... I die and go to heaven every time."

Their other friend with short red hair blushed, "And TJ does this thing where he seduces all the girls and gives his jacket away to one of us. I wonder who the lucky girl will be tonight?"

You laughed silently, "He sounds like a real playboy in the wrestling world."


Around 7:30 p.m. the doors finally open as the long line gets shorter and shorter. You and Paige walk in and immediately shiver. You both question why it's so cold but you remember it's a high school gym, of course, it's gonna be cold, they always are!

Paige and you find two open seats behind the barricades and take them before anyone else can. The gym fills up with all ages in Los Angeles before the event starts.

A ring announcer enters the ring and welcomes all of us for attending and that the show will start in a few minutes. Everyone in the gym is talking, walking around, and eating before the first match starts.

The ring announcer enters the ring once again and asks for everyone to find their seats.

"Ladies and gentlemen thank you for coming out tonight. We just need to lay down a few ground rules if that's fine with everyone." The ring announcer goes down his list of rules for all of our safety before getting to the first match of the night. "Alright, now it's the moment you've been waiting for... This match is scheduled for one fall."

The first competitor walks out and the crowd goes nuts screaming and hollering for his attention.

The ring announcer introduced the first man, "From San Diego, California, weighing in at 305 lbs. please welcome, Slade!"

Another song plays again as his opponent walks out next, "And his opponent, from Las Vegas, Nevada, weighing in at 210 lbs. please welcome, Josh Matthews!"

After an hour passed, the last match finished and intermission took place. Paige and you stood up and walked around talking about all the matches you two just witnessed.

"See, I told you they suck at excursion," you claimed.

"I see what you mean. My brother would have taken Josh Matthews out in two seconds," Paige laughed.

You pointed at her with wide eyes, "I told you so! They suck, and people think we suck at wrestling."

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