Chapter 46

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A new morning dawned, Paige walked into your room and woke you up. The flight leaves at noon and it was only 10:30 am. You got up from the bed and got dressed, I can't believe I'm going back to LA.

Paige drove you to the airport and stayed with you until the flight was boarding. You bought coffee for the both of you while the waiting game was playing. The airport was busy, like always, with people buzzing by, talking, towing luggage, and hugging goodbye to love ones or friends.

While waiting, some fans from the WWE Universe spotted you and Paige. They asked for autographs, pictures, and started conversations with both of you. The fans weren't a bother at all until you get tired, then that's a whole different deal.

The airport intercom came on and announced that your flight was boarding, finally! Paige took your carry-on for you and walked with you to the gate. Once we reached the gate, Paige handed back the bag and hugged you.

"Call me when you land," she said in the hug.

"I will," you said.

"Be a good girl for me," Paige said patting my head.

"I'm not like you when you're drunk," you said swatting Paige's hand away.

She laughed and waved you goodbye.

On the plane, you found your seat by the window. You took a picture of the airport from the plane and sent it to your mom. The rest of the flight was boarding and so far, no one was in your row.

The flight attendant started going over their routine of safety and precautions on the plane. No one is in my row... HELL YEAH! The women finished talking and the plane was slowly rolling towards the runway. Goodbye Florida, hello Los Angeles.


After four long hours, the plane landed at LAX. Everyone stood up slowly, reaching for their bags, and making their way into the isles. I'll wait a bit before I rush into the aisle with everyone else. Ten minutes later, a gentleman let you get inside the aisle. You thanked him and make your way off the plane.

Inside the airport, you make it to baggage claim and found your bag easily. You called Paige letting her know you made it safely, now where is mom? Walking around the airport, you spotted your mom holding a sign with your name on it, did you really have to be extra mom?

Your POV:

Mom hugged me, "Long time no see Y/N."

I giggled, "I know and it was too long."

Mom picked up my bag and carried it for me while I towed my luggage. We made it to the car and got in.

"It's great to see you again," mom said while driving.

"It's great seeing you and dad again," I said looking my surroundings.

"TJ took your father and I to a nice restaurant the other night," she said.

"Really? What restaurant," I asked.

"That new fancy one downtown," she said making a left turn.

"That place is crazy expensive! How did he pay for it," I said with my jaw unhinged.

"He's been wrestling a lot more since we all last saw you," she said parking the car at the house.

"How many matches has he had," I asked before opening the car door.

"I think he said about 25 matches," she said thinking on it.

My eyes widened, "He's had 25 matches since then. How much money did he have?"

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