Chapter 76

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TJ was up on the stage behind the curtain getting ready by lightly jumping around letting the nerves die down. You went over to the monitor near the stage and sat down with Nikki and Brie Bella to watch TJ's first match on Monday Night Raw. You were happy and fidgety because you wanted TJ to win and show the WWE Universe that he's the Cruiserweight Champion and that he has what it takes to be a WWE superstar.

Mick Foley, the GM of Raw, wanted to personally introduce two of the new Cruiserweights. Foley introduced Tony Nese first before The Champ stole Nese's attention he was getting from the WWE Universe.

"And now! Let me introduced to you, the inarguable Cruiserweight Champion, TJ Perkins," Foley yelled into his mic.

TJ's new entrance song, Playing With Power, filled the arena with its unique 8-bit sound like you were inside a video game. TJ made his way to the ring with a big smile on his face which melted your heart.



You, Brie, and Nikki were sitting at the monitor watching the two Cruiserweights. Seeing TJ walk down the ramp with the title around his waist and a smile on his face makes you smile. Brie and Nikki knew how much you loved TJ being here since you talked about him almost twenty-four seven.

"Ah look at him, he's so happy," you said.

"He is, I'm so proud of him," Brie said.

"Yeah, you talked about him so much Y/N, I'm really happy he's here," Nikki said.

"Thank you, girls," you replied.


TJ and Nese were squaring each other up before locking arms around each other's neck and shoulder. TJ took control of the match for a little bit before miscalculating dropkick, he missed by half an inch which allowed Nese to rope TJ into his control. Nese had a mixture of technical and high flying move sets which made him a threat to some Cruiserweights. TJ was a technical genius and a submission specialist when things got rough. Both men could be equality match in some areas, but different in the long run.

Nese was bringing the fight to TJ, which posed a bad ending in TJ's favor. TJ was posted up on the top turnbuckle to turn the match back around, but Nese was faster than expected. Nese lifted TJ off the top turnbuckle and hung him over on the top rope like clothes on a clothesline. Nese backed up and sprinted towards TJ lifting his knee to the side of TJ's head. TJ flopped over the rope and landed back first onto the canvas.


Backstage: (Your POV)

Brie, Nikki, and I were on the edge of our seats watching the match. I was starting to get nervous seeing TJ lose traction and the high paced motion that he loves to do. TJ was on the top turnbuckle to pose the match back in his favor, but he wasn't fast enough. Nese lifted him off the turnbuckle and folded him over the top rope, and it's not a good feeling just let me tell you. Nese backed up and ran full force and struck the side of TJ's head with his left knee. I stood up from my chair with my hands over my mouth in shock.

"OH MY GOSH," I muffle shouted.

"He better be okay," Brie asked.

Back on the monitor, Nese rolls over to TJ for the cover. One... two... KICK OUT, TJ managed to kick out of the cover. I released my hands from covering my mouth and placed them over my heart.

"Thank the Lord," you breathed out.

"He's got a lot of fight in him, I will say that," Nikki said.

After I calmed myself down, I sat back down and took deep breaths.

End of POV


TJ managed to kick out at two, which felt impossible to TJ. Nese wasn't happy that TJ kicked out, he grabbed TJ by the hair and picked him up. The ref told Nese to release his grip on TJ's hair, but Nese couldn't care less.

TJ was able to regain a little bit of strength to retaliate, and that's all he needed. Once Nese grabbed his hair, TJ swung his arms up to knock Nese's arms away. TJ started delivering swift punches and kicks before finishing the strikes with his nasty jumping hook kick. Nese stumbled backward and fell back first, this is what TJ was looking for, just a small opening to recollect himself.

The WWE Universe was starting to get behind TJ to power him up, (revive him! Sorry, ROS reference). Nese was struggling to get to his feet, which brought a smirk to TJ's lips. Nese crawled over to the middle rope and rested himself on it. TJ saw Nese's mistake, he sprung himself from the middle turnbuckle, jumping over the top rope and landing both feet to the side of Nese's face. TJ calls that move the Wrecking Ball dropkick. Nese jumped up to his feet from the blow to the side of the head. TJ quickly got back into the ring to end the match once and for all. He lifted Nese up on his shoulders to deliver a Detonation Kick then ending with the Knee Bar. Tony Nese couldn't handle the pain and tapped out like a local jobber. The bell rung and the WWE Universe started cheering. TJ won his debut match on Monday Night Raw as the first-ever Cruiserweight Champion.



TJ lifted Nese on his shoulders to finish the match with the Detonation Kick and threw him down to lock in the Knee Bar. Once Nese tapped out, the WWE Universe started cheering and you were practically screaming.

"He did it! He did it! I'm so happy," you yelled.

Nikki covered her ears, "Yippy Pomeranian much?"

You stopped screaming and looked away embarrassed, "Ohhh... sorry."

"Nicole, let Y/N be happy," Brie said defending me.

"Thank you, Brie," you said.

You left Brie and Nikki behind and waited for TJ near the stage. You couldn't wait to see TJ and be the first person to congratulate him.

As TJ made his way backstage holding the Cruiserweight title in his hands, he looked around hoping to find you near the monitor where you said you would be. TJ started walking to the monitor where Brie and Nikki was to ask if they had seen you.

"Hey twins, have you seen Y/N," he asked.

"She was just here a second ago," Brie said looking around.

Nikki played along, "You're right. She was here just a second ago?"

TJ frowned, "Okay, thanks anyway. If you see her, tell her I went to the locker room."

He was about to head towards the locker room, but you were able to stop him.

"Hey! Pinoy Boy! Where do you think you're going," you hollered.

He turned back around where you were hiding, "What the- ?"

You ran up to him and launched yourself into his sweaty figure, "Where were you going?"

He smiled, "Well I WAS going to the locker room because I couldn't find you, but it looks like you were hiding from me. Naughty girl."

You laughed, "What if I am? I am WWE's Pretty Little Psycho."

He laughed, "That's true."

TJ lifted you up in the air transfering the sweat from his body to yours. You looked away with a disgusted look on your face. He returned you to the floor and pecked your lips.

"What did you think of the match," he asked.

"OMG! I thought you were done when Tony had you draped on the top rope then struck you with his knee," you said clutching your heart.

TJ rubbed the nape of his neck, "Yeah... I thought I was done for too, but I somehow managed to kick out of the cover."

You returned your arms around TJ's waist, "But I'm glad you were able to turn it around and win."

He mimicked your action, "Same here. Now, it's all you tonight."

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