Chapter 51

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Back in Los Angeles, TJ took you back to his place because he wanted to spend more time with you. Who can blame him? The car pulled up into his driveway and was placed in park. He looked over and saw that you were still sound asleep, he smiled and got out of the car. TJ walked over to your side of the car and opened the door. TJ unbuckled your seatbelt and picked you up bridal style with the Panda still in your grasp.

He was able to open the door without waking you up. TJ carried you up to his room and laid you gently on his bed placing you under the covers. He smiled and kissed your forehead before leaving you alone in his room.

TJ sat on the couch watching TV, "Oh, I should text her mom so she won't worry."



Hey Mrs. M/L/N! Don't worry about

Y/N, we went to Carlsbad and she

fell asleep on the way back.

Mrs. M/L/N:

Thank you TJ. Take care of her now.


She is the prize possession

for both of us.

Mrs. M/L/N:

That she is.


Watching TV for hours was tiring TJ quite well. He yawned loudly and stood up from the couch. Walking to his room, you were still asleep in the same position he laid you in. TJ laid down on his side of the bed and snuggled closer to your sleeping figure. He draped his hand over your waist and closed his eyes.


About four hours later, your eyes fluttered open. Looking around the room, you noticed the Panda in your hands, cute. You felt something move on your waist, what the hell? Turning your head slowly, you saw a hand on your waist, and following the hand, you came upon TJ sound asleep next to you. Sleepy baby.

You tried to roll out of bed not to disturb TJ, but it failed. His hand reached out and grabbed your wrist.

"Don't leave me," TJ sleepy moaned.

You giggled, "Fine. I won't leave."

He smiled, still asleep, and happily accepted you back on the bed. You laid back down closer to TJ and faced him. His hand made its way back over your waist and rested comfortably on it. Your eyes closed once again, and the darkness took over your body.


After more hours of sleep, both TJ and you wake up. Both of you were now hungry, what now?

Each of you thought of different things, cook or go out?

"What are you feeling," TJ asked.

You shrugged, "I don't know? Anything sounds good right now."

"Okay. Now, do we cook or go out," TJ wondered.

"Good question? Cook or go out or delivery," you replied.

"We had pizza already, so how about we cook something," TJ said.

"I'm good with that. What's on the menu Chef Perkins," you questioned.

"That is something we'll find out," TJ said getting out of bed.

You followed behind him to the kitchen while he looked around his fridge. You sat at the bar watching him go through his pantry trying to piece something together. While he continued to look around, you spun around on the barstool.

"Have you ever considered a pet," you questioned.

"What do you mean," he asked.

"You know, a mini companion when I'm not here," you said.

"Huh? I've never thought about it," he said still looking for food.

"If you were to get a pet, what kind would you want," you asked.

"I heard mini pigs weren't bad," he said.

"Mini pigs? You truly live in a barn," you laughed.

"They say pigs are able to remember their owner and learn trick rather quickly," he pointed out.

"That's true," you said.

The pet conversation ended as TJ finally found something to cook. He decided to make Turkey Burgers with fries, quick and simple. You watched the chef at work, this is an entertaining show.

The burgers and fries were done, TJ set out two plates and slide one over to you and he made his way next to you. Both of you eat and talked about random things because there was nothing better to do anyway.

"Have you ever considered buying a place," TJ asked.

You set down the burger, "Yeah. I wanna find my own place, but I don't know where to start. I wanna stay here in LA and be close to my parents, but some places here are crazy expensive. Plus, I don't have enough money to buy or rent one."

TJ nodded, "It took me a while to get this place. My dad and I did some renovations to this house. So I understand not having enough money to start 'house hunting' as people say."

You nodded back, "Impressive. But, on the other hand, I'll be away from Paige. She wants to buy her own place soon, and if I buy a place here... that's a lot of plane flights. Back and forth from LA to Florida, that's gonna get tiring for me.

"That's true, but until you find a place... my door is always open for you," TJ said.

"What? No, I couldn't do that to you," you countered back.

"It's not a problem, plus you're mine girl so I don't mind at all. Also, doesn't it get tiring staying at your parent's place sometimes," TJ asked.

Your lips formed a thin line, "I guess you're right? If you don't mind, then I guess it's okay?"

He smiled, "Don't worry about it. If you want, we can go by their place and get your bags and bring them over here."

Your eyes widened, "Are you serious? Are you sure about that?"

He nodded again, "I'm completely sure."

You smiled, "Okay. Thanks... Playboy."

He chuckled, "There's my nickname."

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