Chapter 105

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A new week came along and you know what that means another WWE show. This week WWE was set in Texas for all shows set in Dallas. TJ and you flew in yesterday afternoon to make it in time for RAW and 205 Live.

As hours passed, you and TJ pulled into the arena parking lot that showed the sidewalk with thousands upon thousands of WWE fans waiting for the doors to open. You stayed in the car looking at all the fans standing there cheering as Superstars pass by.

"What? You nervous or something," TJ asked.

"Yes. This is completely new to me, both as WWE Women's Champion and as your fiance," you admitted.

He took your ringed hand in his, "It's alright. You've been champion before, don't worry. The only I can say is... you're on your own about the fiance part."

He quickly got out of the car and shut the door before you could respond. You sat there in shock as you heard him laugh.

"Theodore James Perkins Jr.," you shouted before getting out of the car to punch him.

As you shut the door, the WWE fans waiting outside started chanting 'Mrs. Perkins' the entire time. You smiled and waved them before punching TJ for what he said and did. He got both bags out of the trunk and set them down before shutting it. You stood next to him with a pissed off expression.

"What," he asked.

You punched him in the abs then slapped his lower back, he jumped both times then laughed at you.

"You know you look cute when you're mad," he said before dragging his bags over to the WWE Universe.

"Shut up! You're lucky the Psycho isn't coming out," you said.

He turned around at you and laughed before heading to the fans. You frowned at him but smiled at the fans before you had to head into the arena. The fans were cheering, screaming, and chanting for you and TJ because they support and love you two so much.

"Y/R/N, I love you," a young fan said as you signed her sign.

"Thank you! I love you too," you said with a smile.

You signed a few more things, took pictures, and made special shout out videos for certain people. You loved your fans and they love you, it works out in any situation.

"Y/R/N, are you still dazed about being engaged to TJ," a guy asked.

"I still can't believe it," you said.

You finished signing and headed into the arena to get ready for RAW tonight. You waved goodbye to the fans and followed TJ right behind to the arena.


Once you changed into your gear and got all glammed up by the WWE Glam Squad, some of the girls and other superstars congratulated you on the engagement and extended the gratitude to TJ and vice versa with him.

Monday Night RAW was going live all around the world. You stood by a monitor to watch the first few matches before an interview with your Women's Championship. Once three matches went by, you headed over to the interview area and waited for Charlie Carosso.

"Ladies and gentleman, please welcome my guest at this time, she is the RAW Women's Champion, Y/R/N," Charlie said.

"Hello, Charlie," you said.

"Y/R/N, how do you feel knowing that you are the RAW Women's Champion," she asked.

"It feels damn good to be champion again. I waited for months on end to get back on top and look what happened," you said nudging your shoulder that the title rested on.

"With Wrestlemania coming up, how are you preparing your mind," Charlie asked.

You smiled, "That's easy, I'm just waiting for the Royal Rumble."

Before you could walk off leaving Charlie speechless, one of the many talented women came up to you with a certain Cruiserweight in tow.

"You're gonna wait for the Royal Rumble, huh? Well, how about you worry about tonight. I want you tonight," the woman said.

"Don't make me laugh Foxy. You wanna face the Women's Champion or are you speaking for Noam Dar," you said with a slight smirk.

"Yeah right. Alicia, here, is champion material, not you," Noam said.

You took a step closer, "Is that so? We don't have to wait for a fight, we can go right now."

Alicia Fox stepped closer and about that time Noam and TJ jumped in to separate you two before things got out of hand, but knowing the both of you, it was going to happen anyways. You broke free from TJ's grip and kicked Fox in the stomach. Noam fell back with Fox, and the fight was on. You and Fox were going back and forth in an all-out-brawl and anyone standing by were trying to separating you two. Finally, the general manager of RAW came in between you two which made both of you stop.

"Stop! That is enough! If you two want each other so much, settle it in the ring right now," he said.

"Fine," Fox yelled.

"With pleasure," you said with a smirk.


Fox stood in the ring waiting for you, and you never missed a cue to make an entrance. The music filled the arena and the thousands of fans in the WWE Universe stood up for you.

Commentator's POV:

"Listen to this place, they are happy to see the RAW Women's Champion," Cole said.

"You're right, Cole. The WWE Universe is behind the Pretty Little Psycho being champion," Graves.

The WWE Universe started chanting as you made your way down the ramp.

"Also, just recently, TJP proposed to Y/R/N and now that the WWE Universe knows, they won't stop chanting 'Mrs. Perkins,'" Renee said.

"They sure are, Renee," Graves said.

"I talked to Y/R/N earlier today, and she said she couldn't believe it," Cole said.

"Of course she couldn't believe it. Some of the girls and I talked to Y/R/N and TJ as well, and they are so happy. I think there is a new WWE power couple on the rise," Renee said.

End of POV

(Skipping toward the end)

You had Alicia Fox right where you wanted. She sat up on her knees regaining consciousness after she kicked out from a wicked knee strike you gave her. You looked at Fox with an evil grin before setting up for Kiss of Death (your second finisher). She sat up fully as you took a step back before connecting your foot to her face.

1... 2... 3... ding, ding ding.

"Your winner of this match, the RAW Women's Champion, Y/R/N," the ring announcer said.


As you reached the backstage area, life was normal again unless Y/R/N was needed not Y/N. You sat near a TV monitor to watch the rest of the show and talked to some of the other Superstars who rung up a conversation. Basically, nothing new happened and you weren't needed for anything else, guess you could say you had the rest of the night off?

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