Chapter 27

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Saturday afternoon:

The morning was nothing major, you didn't go workout and TJ didn't have any matches so the day was pretty boring. Paige suggested that you and her go shopping for a dress since you told her TJ's idea for tonight's date.

"I'm letting you help. I better not end up in Grammy type dress," you told Paige on the tram ride downtown.

"I wouldn't do that to you. I know your style too well," she said.


Your POV:

We entered the first clothing store we see and enter. We look around for dresses that spoke to me and my style. So many dresses and yet so little ideas. Paige picked two dresses and I could only find one. Paige picked the accessories and dragged me to the dressing room.

I tried on the first dress and looked in the mirror. It was cute, but I don't think it's right for the date. So I went back to the dressing room and tried on the second dress. This is better than the first one, but it's not speaking to me. Dress #2 is more of a summer date night dress. Now, it was my pick; everyone looks good in a little black dress. I stepped out and showed Paige, she loved it and I did too, but something in the back on my head didn't like it.

The first store wasn't a success, I didn't leave with any of the three dresses. We traveled to four different shops and none of them spoke to me. Ugh! Why is this so hard?!?

Paige and I went home because nothing downtown caught my attention. I got to my room and saw a bag sitting on my bed.

"Paige? Did you get me something," I asked her.

"No... why," she asked looking in my room.

"If you didn't put this bag here, then who did," I asked looking at the bag.

"Look inside," she suggested.

I nodded and opened the bag. I saw a note attached to the bag, what's this?

I heard from Paige that you have a "fancy" date with TJ tonight, so I got you something. It was mine when your father took me out on our first date. I hope you like the dress and necklaces.

Love you, Mom

I smiled and took out the dress and a small box with both necklaces in it. Paige and I admired the dress and the thought my mom gave me. Thanks, mom.

End of POV

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